10 Amazing and interesting fun facts about everything.

Amazing and interesting fun facts
Amazing and interesting fun facts

The world around you is continuously innovating. New things are added day by day that will make you scratch your head. The world is full of mysteries. It's full of unbelievable knowledge. This amazing knowledge is called facts. We will reveal to you some amazing and fun facts that might be unbelievable for you.
Let's get started.

Amazing facts about Amazon rain forest

Amazon Rain Forest
Amazon Rain Forest
1. The Amazon Rain Forest accounts for more than half of the entire world's remaining Rain Forests.
2. The Amazon Rain Forest recharges its nutrients by the air coming from Sahara desert.

Interesting facts about Dolphins

Dolphins swimming
Dolphins swimming

3. Dolphins are second in intelligence after humans.
4. Bottlenose Dolphins have the longest memory. They can remember each other even after 20 years.

Fun facts about Nature

Adidas shoes
Adidas shoes

5. Adidas is making shoes by recycling plastic.
Three Gorges Dam in China
Three Gorges Dam in China

6. Three Gorges Dam in China is so massive that it has slowed down the rotation of Earth.

Fun facts about Cities

Tokyo Safest city
Tokyo Safest city

7. Tokyo is the safest city. A six-year-old child can go to school on its own.


 Foreigners make up most of Dubai's population. The locals are only 15%.

Amazing facts on Russia


9. Russia is the largest country with a total area of 17 million square kilometres.
10. Russia is the third-largest oil producer in the world.

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